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Whether you are a gardener, an Outlander fan, a West Seattle resident, or someone tuning in for the latest episode of Sound Transit and West Seattle Bridge drama, I hope you find something useful here.
Blog Posts

Marie McKinsey
May 1, 20163 min read
Cascara Might Not Kill You, But...
You may remember this exchange between Master Raymond and Claire at his apothecary shop, in which he explains his clever solution for the pr
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Marie McKinsey
Sep 25, 20153 min read
Variegated Holly: Plant Badge of the Clan MacKenzie
Clan MacKenzie symbols: The crest with the clan motto;
a MacKenzie tartan in the background;
and sprigs of variegated holly, the clan plan
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Marie McKinsey
Sep 17, 20153 min read
It's All About YEW
Besides this scene in DIA, yews have another Outlander connection: the European yew is the plant badge of the Clan Fraser. It is said that m
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Marie McKinsey
Apr 25, 20155 min read
This Bud's For You - Cannabis
So what IS the difference between hemp and ganja (or marijuana)?
Botanically, they are the same plant. Both are cultivars of Cannabis sativ
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Marie McKinsey
Jan 24, 20154 min read
Black Hellebores and A Little Girl's Tears
I love hellebores. I have been growing them for years. They are highly prized in the gardening community for their exotic flowers and the fa
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Marie McKinsey
Oct 11, 20143 min read
Grinding Corn
When Dougal MacKenzie told Claire in The Wedding episode of Outlander that he was tickled by the thought of grinding her corn, the remark pr
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Marie McKinsey
Oct 5, 20148 min read
Barley the Beverage Grain: beer, wine and whisky
Two of the goals of the ancient alchemists were: 1) to turn common metals into gold, and 2) to create an "elixir of life, that would confer
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Marie McKinsey
Sep 15, 20144 min read
Rowan: The Druid's Tree
Rowan, or "Luis" in Gaelic, is both a tree and the name of the second character in the Celtic Ogham Tree Alphabet.
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Marie McKinsey
Sep 7, 20142 min read
Bear McCreary: The Man Behind the Outlander Music
I can't imagine a composer more suited to creating the score for the Outlander TV series than Bear McCreary. Growing up, he attended the Sco
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Marie McKinsey
Sep 5, 20145 min read
Heathers & Heaths
Next to the thistle, heather is probably the plant most associated with Scotland. Much of the color in the moorland landscape is from the fl
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Marie McKinsey
Aug 28, 20144 min read
Right Plants, Wrong Season?
One of the differences between Outlander - the Book and Outlander - the TV series is the time of year the story begins. In the book, Claire
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Marie McKinsey
Aug 24, 20143 min read
A Druid's Herbal
I have always been curious about the Druids. Much of what is "known" about them is mere speculation because their most sacred rituals and
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Marie McKinsey
Jul 28, 20146 min read
Meet the Family: The Mints
Updated 12/11/22 Originally posted 7/28/14 Here's a question for you, Outlander Gardeners: What do mint, rosemary, oregano, lemon...
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Marie McKinsey
Jul 11, 20143 min read
Outlandish Hair Grasses
"He sat on the stool in his shirt, closing his eyes in momentary relaxation as I unbraided his hair. He'd worn it clubbed in a tight queue f
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Marie McKinsey
Jun 18, 20142 min read
Bee Is for Borage
it is likely that an 18th century herbalist would make a tea from the dried leaves as a remedy for depression or to relieve menopausal disco
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Marie McKinsey
Jun 6, 20143 min read
Claire and the Fight Against Infectious Disease
Discouraging "germs" is a bit off- topic for a plant blog. But we are talking here about the Outlander books and Claire Fraser's pragmatic a
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Marie McKinsey
May 26, 20142 min read
In Praise of Laudanum
Claire wanted the laudanum to sedate Jamie while she treated his badly damaged hand. In the event, he insisted on substituting whiskey for t
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Marie McKinsey
May 5, 20143 min read
Potatoes: A Story of Feast, Famine - and Poison
As a time-traveler, Claire knew what a calamity The Rising would be. She advised Jenny to plant potatoes so the residents of Lallybroch woul
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Marie McKinsey
Apr 18, 20143 min read
Lavender Blues
As Tom Robbins, another of my favorite authors, says in his novel, JITTERBUG PERFUME, "with immediacy and intensity, smell activates the me
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Marie McKinsey
Apr 13, 20143 min read
Rhododendron Hell
"Roger didn't need to read it; he knew well enough the thoughts that were going through the other's mind. The same thoughts he'd wrestled...
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