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The Wishing Tree

Marie McKinsey

Originally posted

Sunday, April 5, 2015

In my car, running errands, I often pass a house with a lovely Japanese maple in the front yard, decorated with little white lights and what look like tiny prayer flags.

After noticing this for several weeks and wondering what all the little tags are for, I decided it was time to get out of my car and walk over to find out.

A sign posted on the fence explains:

The Wishing Tree.

"The most fantastic, magical things can happen, and it all starts with a wish." We believe something Magical happens when we wish in one place. Container #1 has pens and blank tags. Write out your Wishes, Prayers, Intentions, Hopes and Gratitudes. Leave your tag in Container #2. In a few days, they will be on the tree! TOGETHER we can create great BEAUTY and bring KINDNESS to the world.

When I got in touch with the homeowners to ask permission to do this blog post, I found out that they were inspired by another Wishing Tree that they discovered while on a walk in the Capitol Hill neighborhood. They were so touched by the idea that they decided to do something similar. Judging from the number of tags hanging from the branches, this Wishing Tree has meaning for many people. As one of the homeowners said in an email:

"Some of the wishes are just heart breaking :( ... And some are so beautiful and heart warming. I'm glad there is a place people can leave all their hopes and dreams and thoughts and prayers."

Here are a few of the Wishes I found there.

"God take care of my Brother. Amen."

"I wish to find peace with my past regrets."

"I wish my daughter's brain condition would get better."

"Please may there be peace in Syria."

"I wish my husband can find a job where he can be happy and successful."

"I wish for the growing baby in my belly (10 weeks) to be happy and healthy."

And in what appears to be a child's handwriting, "I want a unicorn. Thank you."

If you happened one day to come upon a Wishing Tree in your neighborhood, what would YOU wish for?

Update, February 2021. Alas, the Wishing Tree is no longer at this location. I don't know if the homeowners moved away or what happened. I think it is worthwhile to keep this post online, though, as an inspiration for other people. It is my hope that they might create Wishing Trees in their neighborhoods.


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"Never Leaving Even If We Could" sign in West Seattle

About Me


My name is Marie McKinsey. 

I live in Seattle, Washington.

I've had careers in healthcare, communications and landscape design.  

I've been blogging since 2010.


© 2021- 2024 by Marie McKinsey           

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